Sunday, March 05, 2006

Gospel Meeting 4th March 2006

In a rather strange move as seen by some, I actually attended Gospel Meeting.. something which I had not done in quite some time. Even a couple of saints (no I shant mention names like JiaRong and Wicky) were pleasantly surprised at my decision to "return to meeting hall after dinner for gospel meeting".

JiaRong: You this type of pattern also will go for gospel meeting meh???
Caleb: Shut up.
Wicky: (Surprised Look on face) WAH! How come all of a sudden go?
Caleb: Enough of it.
JiaRong: Hahahahahahaha
Caleb: Nvm... Lets go dinner!

Well the evening's turnout was rather good, despite the fact that I had not been attending gospel meetings since work began piling up and my frequent travels. Brother Peter even asked me after everything ended "So, I havent seen you for some time". My answer was an interesting "Oh yes, I have been travelling in and out".

Come to Me...
and I will Give you Rest

This was the theme of this month's gospel meeting printed on the leaflet which we handed out to gospel friends. I was indeed very moved upon seeing so many friends standing up to acknowledge they want to receive Christ into their lives!

Joachim was speaking and Joseph translated for him. Then all of a sudden I asked myself this question, why made me want to go for the gospel meeting in the first place? First thing which came to my mind was that I knew the message would be 'interesting'. Now by interesting I do not mean entertaining or hilarious, but rather, something which I would be able to gain something from. A couple of days back, Kai Seong mentioned to me "Do you know Joachim is speaking on this saturday's gospel meeting" and while I acknowledged something in me made me want to go.

Only after the meeting that I realised I actually wanted to attend the gospel meeting because it would be 'interesting'. Come on lets face it, with all due respect to the other speakers, many a time gospel meetings can be rather boring, unengaging or simply out of point. It then becomes a blatent rattling on of words which we have all heard (pardon me again) upteen times. HOWEVER, if phrased and worded correctly, the speaker can actually turn the same basic message of truth and love so poured out for us into a wonderful message which not only touches our invited guests but also at the same time revive the hearts of many believers who have quietened down over the years. We all need some time to draw closer to the Lord; this doesnt happen over night, but key to this is the beginning.

I praise the Lord again for his wonderful work in bringing so many gospel friends for the night's meeting and continue to pray that there will be many more to come.


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