Saturday, March 04, 2006

Boy's Wedding 26th February 2006

I flew in to Bangkok over the weekend to attend Boy's wedding and was pleasantly surprised that many of the Thai saints actually remembered me from last year's North-East visiting trip. Muay (Boy's wife) is also from the Church in Mahachai and I was really happy to see them building up each other. It certainly was heart warming to know that you are remembered, and they spared no expense to ensure I was comfortable - this I am very grateful. I was there from the 24th to 27th February 2006 and as much as I would have loved to stay longer, work beckoned.

A picture speaks a thousand words, so let me just get on to the pictures.

In the morning, we had a wedding thanksgiving session at meeting hall where saints, friends, family members alike were invited to witness the signing of marriage certificates. After which, we proceeded on for a super-duper-sumptuous meal prepared.

One final goodbye cheer before we head out of meeting hall in preparation for dinner in the evening.


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